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Renting – A Greener Way to Do Business

sustainable practices

Do you want to incorporate more sustainable practices in your business? Technology rentals and sustainability can go hand in hand when managed and executed thoughtfully. Here’s how tech rental services can contribute to sustainability:

  1. Reduced Electronic Waste: Technology rentals encourage the reuse of electronics. Instead of individuals and businesses buying new devices every time they need them, they can rent and return them when no longer needed. This reduces electronic waste in landfills.
  2. Extended Product Lifespan: Rental companies have an incentive to maintain and repair their tech equipment to keep them in good working condition for as long as possible. This extends the lifespan of the devices, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  3. Upgrading Technology Responsibly: Rental services can regularly update their tech inventory to include the latest, most energy-efficient models. This allows customers to access cutting-edge technology without the need to discard old devices, reducing e-waste.
  4. Sharing Economy Principles: Green technology rentals align with the sharing economy concept, which promotes resource efficiency. Instead of everyone owning their tech gadgets, a few devices can be shared among many users, reducing the overall number of products produced and disposed of.
  5. Recycling Initiatives: Responsible tech rental companies often have recycling programs for devices that have reached the end of their useful life. They ensure that these devices are properly recycled, minimizing their environmental impact.
  6. Renewable Energy/Carbon Offsetting: Some tech rental companies utilize renewable energies or invest in carbon offset initiatives to compensate for their carbon emissions, which can result from shipping and transportation.

However, it’s important to note that not all tech rental companies operate with sustainability as a priority. When considering a tech rental service, it’s essential to research their sustainability practices, including their device maintenance, recycling programs, and environmental policies.

Vernon Technology through their parent company DCR employs a variety of sustainable practices including the use of renewable energies. They also have an abundance of environmental certification including the widely recognized R2 2013 certification. For more information about their green initiatives click here.

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Powerup your next corporate event with some new tech!

Corporate Events

Want to spice up your next corporate event? There’s still time to infuse your yearend gala or corporate get-together with some exciting new tech! We’ve compiled a list of interesting ideas to make your event more interactive, more fun, and more memorable as well.

  1. Displays and Projectors:
    • Rent large format displays or projectors to showcase presentations, branding, and dynamic visuals. These can be used for stage backdrops or as interactive elements throughout the event.
  2. Virtual Reality (VR) Stations:
    • Create immersive experiences by renting VR headsets and stations. Attendees can explore virtual environments or participate in interactive simulations related to your industry or event theme.
  3. Interactive Touchscreens:
    • Rent touchscreen kiosks or displays to provide interactive maps, schedules, and information about your event. These can also be used for games, surveys, or product demos.
  4. Event Apps and Attendee Engagement Platforms:
    • Utilize event technology platforms that offer features like agenda scheduling, networking opportunities, live polling, and Q&A sessions. These platforms can enhance attendee engagement and provide valuable data.
  5. Charging Stations:
    • Offer charging stations to keep attendees’ devices powered throughout the event. This convenience can be a valuable addition to your gala.
  6. Live Streaming and Webcasting:
    • Rent equipment for live streaming or webcasting your event to reach a broader audience. This is especially useful for conferences or galas with remote attendees.
  7. Event Gamification:
    • Incorporate gamification elements by renting tablets loaded with custom event apps. Attendees can participate in scavenger hunts, quizzes, or challenges throughout the event.
  8. Bidding Auctions:
    • With the right technology setting up an auction can be a simple and effective way to create a great experience for your guest. You can rent all the hardware and software you need from technology rental companies like Vernon.

When renting technology for your corporate event or gala, it’s essential to work with reputable suppliers and ensure that the technology aligns with your event’s objectives and theme. Additionally, provide clear instructions and support to attendees to maximize their engagement with the technology.